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I am 32 years old and suffering since my first year of life of an asthma. Now we would like to have a baby, but I have some concerns and want to have it made clear for myself first, as it is me who have to carry the child to full term.
For the last 25 years I am taking the following drugs:
Sultanol (drug: salbutamol) 3x
Atrovent (drug: ipratropiumbromide) 3x
DNCG (drug: chromoglycinacid) 3x
8 mg prednisone
500 mg theophylline
Verapamil 2x
L-Thyroxin (drug: levothyroxine) 1x
Aarane (drugs: chromoglycinacid and reproterole) as needed
Viani forte (drugs: salmeterole and fluticasone) 2x
My pulmonary function differs a lot from time to time and the peak-flow results differ in the course of the day. I get along well because I am used to it like this, and because I am able to experience my life with my boyfriend as "normal". But I have some concerns if I am going to harm my baby and that it is probably egoistic to think of this thought. I have already answered this question some time ago, but I did not register. Probably this was the reason I did not get an answer.
Many thanks in advance,
Dear questioner,
from your question I draw the conclusion that you are not suffering of CF but of an asthma. Furthermore, your data does not give any information about your clinical status, and how well your asthma is controlled.

Some basic rules about asthma and pregnancy:
The most important thing is that the illness of asthma has to be controlled well.
Uncontrolled asthma can be a threat to the survival of mother and fetus and to the fetal growth due to a reduced oxygen supply because of attacks of asthma.
Allergens and provocations should be avoided, including the contact to favourite animals and bronchial provocative agents, such as the use of nicotine, in order to minimize the probability of an attack of asthma. Many anti-asthmatic drugs are considered to be uncritical during pregnancy, but the pregnant asthma patient should be supervised by a specialist, in order to optimize the control of asthma by taking the most secure medication.
Studies reveal that maternal asthma, that is sufficiently controlled and treated, does not increase the risk of mother and child during pregnancy. There is a direct correlation between low birth weight and insufficiently treated asthma. In case the mother takes cortisone (steroids) - may be via tablets or via inhalation - the currence of pregnancy does not seem to be influenced unfavourably, as long as the asthma is under control.
On the basis of these rules you should absolutely contact your specialist in pulmonology and gynecology and talk about your planned pregnancy.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christian von Mallinckrodt