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Wish to have children

my partner is 21 years old and suffers from CF. Half a year ago he has been told, that he has a knot in the tube and therefore it would not be possible for him to have children the natural way. However, a knot can not be felt in the tubes anymore (before one could feel it always); can it be that the knot is resolving in the course of time? Or is it impossible that we could have children the natural way? (The sperm fluid is looking quite normal, not like only fluid)
Many thanks for your answer and best regards,
Dear J.,
before I turn to your question, I have to correct the term "tube". I assume that you talk about your CF friend as a man and therefore talk about changes of the spermatic duct (not "tube"). Unfortunately I cannot make a statement about the mentioned "knot" as further information is missing in the internet. For this, you should talk to an urologist.
Concerning the question of fertility, we recommend, that your friend is going to have an anlaysis of the ejaculate at an urologist and a so-called spermiogram. Hereby, the concentration of sperm , the number of sperm cells, the part of living sperms and the motility of sperms is investigated. This investigation is done to make a statement on the fertility of the man and is done if the wish for children is still unfullfilled and there is the suspicion of infertility.
I hope to have helped you with my remarks and stay with my best regards,
Yours Dr. med. Christina Smaczny