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Consultation hours for adults

I would like to know where special consultation hours for adult CF patients are scheduled in the German speaking region? Many thanks.

You find the addresses of the CF out patient services in Germany on the website of the "Mukoviszidose e.V." which is > "Betroffene" > "Adressen" > "Ambulanzen". Here, you can use the search function which allows you to find CF services by entering a postal code.
You enter a postal in order to find an address close to you. You can refine the search further by entering between 1 and 5 digits of the postal code [German postal code].
Addresses in the Netherlands or Switzerland can be found by entering the country identifier NL or CH.
Each address indicates if it is an out patinet clinic for children or adults. You can also ask for addresses by phone at the administrative office of the "Mukoviszidose e.V." (telephone: +49-(0)228-98780-0). They will also help you for sure.

Best regards,
Dr. C. Smaczny