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Heart transplanted CF patient and pregnancy


My fiancée and I are strongly engaged in thinking about starting a family. Since she has Cystic Fibrosis and furthermore was heart transplanted, we are very insecure if this is possible at all. She is 24 years old and the heart transplantation was done at the age of 14. Her general condition is very good. Is there a substitute for the immunosuppresives that she could take during the pregancy? Is a pregnancy under these circumstances (two problem areas) possible at all?

Thank you very much for your efforts.

It would go beyond the scope of this forum to give you a satisfactory answer. Further information is missing to discuss this problem/wish sufficiently. For example, the question comes up if only a heart transplantion or a heart-lung transplantation was done. Which immunosuppresives are taken. Is it a triple or double immune therapy. Furthermore, genetical consultation has to be done. From these comments you can see that this problem can only be discussed personally with the doctor who is taking care of her regarding the CF and / or the transplantation. At large, the general recommendation is that while taking immunosuppresives it is not recommended to become pregnant. A complete stop or secure substitute for immunosuppression is not possible.

Best regards,
Dr. Christian von Mallinckrodt