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Baby with possible CF

I have a 6 months old baby (weight" 7.6 kg, height 74 cm). It was born 3.9 kg in weight and 53 cm in height. I was tested before getting pregnant for CF and was found not to carry the DF508 mutation. My husband has not been tested. My baby had two episodes of bronchiolitis in a month. Some times there is dyspnoea, but the wheezing has been reduced a lot. The stool is normal. Is there a chance for CF?
Dear friend,
You have a six months old baby which weighs 7.6 kg and is 74 cm tall. It was born 3.9 kg in weight and 53 cm tall. You have been checked for the most frequent CF mutation (DF508) with negative results, but your husband has not been checked. The baby suffered from two episodes of bronchiolitis in a month with mild dyspnoea and is a lot better. The stool is normal.
If your paediatrican has recommended a sweat test, you must proceed, not to verify, but to exclude the possibility of CF.
A persistant bronchiolitis may be due to CF, but the chances, in your case, are a lot less, since you have been checked for the most frequent CF mutation (DF508), which is found in 53,4% of all Greeks with CF.
If your doctor has recommended a sweat test, you must do it, since the possibility for CF has not been 100% excluded.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis