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Reflex massage
- Question
- How is the benefit of reflex massage in CF, are there any intolerances? Is it advisable for severely ill CF patients not to do this kind of therapy due to side effects? Are there any parameters like pulmonary function or others for this kind of therapy? Many thanks.
- Answer
- Hello,
After consulting a specialist for physiotherapy we like to answer your question now.
First of all, it has to be clarified which kind of "reflex massage" you had in mind when asking the question since "reflex massage" is a collective term for a set of several massage methods with a so called "reflex effect". Among these count – among many others – the most known ones like: acupuncture, acupressure, connective tissue massage and reflexology massage. I assume that you are asking for the reflexology massage.
The usage of massages of this kind in CF patients belongs to the so called therapies with unproven effectiveness. I do not know about studies proving a special positive therapeutic importance for massages with reflex effects in CF patients.
On the other hand, some CF patients and physiotherapists report on the positive effect regarding the well-being. It is not out of the question that massages with reflex effects can complement the regular medical therapies and physiotherapeutic treatments and can support the improvement of the sense of well-being.
In any case, it should be decided and tested individually with the CF doctor if a reflexology massage for the respective CF patient is beneficial.
With warmest regards,
Dr. C. Smaczny
- 21.03.2008