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Microbial situation at the Ostsee.

Dear Expert team,

until two years ago, our family went with our 13 year old son, who is P. aeruginosa-free, to Usedom for vacation. In 2006 it was very hot, the sea seemed to be not clean and at that time the bacterium Vibrio vulnificus was detected which led to the closing of several beaches. When I told a doctor that we have a CF child, he did not recommend a vacation in Usedom. We went into a sea Institute and we were surprised that the salt content of the east sea is only 1%.

Here is my question: what about P. aeruginosa in the east sea with its low salt concentration compared to the North sea (3% salt)? Furthermore, there is little tide in the east sea. P. aeruginosa is also present in the Mediterranean sea. Is it better to mae vacation at the North sea or at the Atlantic?

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