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Life expectancy in case of F508del

How high is the average life expectancy in case of F508 del homozygous?
before I can answer the question I would like to state the following: statistically analysed numbers - as for example the middle or the median survival with a certain illness - describe always a spectrum of better and worse and frequent courses. Such numbers do not allow and are not suitable for an indivdual prognosis. One can in no case derive from those numbers, how long a patient, who is sitting next to oneself, will still live. This is even not possible, if one has treated a patient for a long time and knows all about his special problems and additional illnesses and risks.
The median survival for CF can be stated in Germany depending on the gender from the national register of the patient organisation (Mukoviszidose e.V.) for a certain year - of course only derived from the patients registered there. It is important, that we have to assume, that a child with CF born today has in avarage a more favourable prognosis, than a patient born 20 years ago. A table, where we can get information about the middle and/or median survival dependent on gender and/or birth year, is not available, because the groups would be too small for each year. Even more evident is the not sufficient number of patients, if one reduces the analysis only on a small group of those patients, who have a homozygous mutation for F508del.
As you do not give any information in your short question, why you ask this question or for what you intend to use the answer, I cannot concretly answer on it.

Bets regards,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner