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Cleaning of holiday appartment

many thanks for your support!
We would like to go to a holiday apparmtent, soon. As one never knowns, who lived there before (dogs etc.) I would like to know, how I can get the floor/tiles quite sterile.
Our daughter is 14 months old, crawls and therefore is in constant contact with the floor. She suckles her thumb and does not take a pacifier.
Are there any other things, that we should take into account in a holiday appartment?
Many thanks
Dear questioner,
unfortunately, there are no official recommendations for the hygiene at home. An actual guideline of the comission for hospital hygiene and infection prevention (KRINKO, Germany) summerizes the recommendations for hygiene behaviour in case of CF on the basis of the actual knowledge in hospital, at physiotherapy and in every-day life ( [article in German]
The risk of transmission with CF typical microorganisms is very low if basic rules are taken into accout at home.
Your question is not exactly addressed in the above mentioned guidelines, therefore I try to give you some advice. Most CF typical germs are humid germs, therefore sinks, siphons and stagnant water are potential reservoirs. Floors, carpets and furniture are in general (if cleaned regularly) less to be regarded as a reservoir. Therefore I would recommend, to check the cleaning statuis of the holiday appartment when you get there and to improve it , if necessary. If your child is suckeling the thumb often, regular washing of the hands is sensible.
I hope to have helped you further with my remarks and wish you a nice holiday.
Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann