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Clarification plant in the neighbourhood

does a clarification plant in the neighbourhood (about 500m linear distance) represent a health risk in case of CF? Can bacteria be transmitted only via direct contact and aerosols or also via smell?
Many thanks in advance
I could only find few special research literature on your question. However, a very interesting work from the past year showed, that at least in this example the germ load was only reduced in case of distances of more than 800 meters. If this however can be transferred to the situation in your neighbourhood, has to be regarded with caution. Normally we say, while viruses can be transmitted over many meters via the air, bacteria deposit quite quickly in the dust with the droplets (coughing, sneezing). The smell is not containing bacteria - it is transmitted by very small molecules, that can make quite a distance in the air until they can't be smelled anymore because of dilution.
The cited study did not only measure the germs in the air of the surrounding aereas of the clarification plant, but also asked for the health status of the people living there. Also there, they found more problems next to the clarification plant.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner