- ABPA_Aspergillus
- accompanying diseases
- air-improving devices
- allergy
- animals_pets
- antibiotic therapy
- asthma
- complementary medicine
- covid-19
- diabetes
- diagnostics
- drugs side effects
- drugs under development_genetic therapy
- general aspects
- genetics
- health care
- hepatobiliary disease
- hygiene
- i.v.-lines
- inhalation
- lung
- microbiology
- miscellaneous
- modulator therapy
- nutrition and GI problems
- oxygen supplementation_therapy
- physiotherapy
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- psychosocial
- public facilities
- recreational activities
- reproduction
- research
- social law
- sport
- swine flu_novel influenza
- transplantation
- travelling
- vaccination
- ventilation
- Sputum result, additional question
- Thank you first of all for answering my question. Unfortunately the second and third part has not been answered. What does it mean if Penecillium sp. could be found in the sputum, however no finding of fungi is documented? Is my body now producing penicillium?
- 28.09.2016
- Result of sputum investigation
- Today I got the result of my sputum investigation. For 6 months, I have not taken any antibiotics, either orally nor inhalative or i.v.. In spite of this it is written there, that antibacterial inhibitory substances were present. How can this be?
- 05.08.2016
- Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
- What does the finding of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia mean for me as a CF patient? Is there anything to take into account concerning meetings with other CF patients or events other CF patients take part in?
- 25.07.2016
- Mycobacterium intracellulare in the CF sputum
- Hello dear expert team, in my sputum (I am nearly 30 years old) Mycobactrium intracellulare has been detected last December for the first time. Since then this bacterium could be found in 2 further tests, so that I can assume a chronic infection. As I have been at another CF Center before and to ...
- 04.07.2016
- Childhood diseases
- Hello, My 3.5-year-old son started school in September and since he had 5 ear infections, laryngitis, some colds, a little bronchitis, gastro ... his cough occurs almost daily (with ups and downs, sometimes the day, sometimes the night, sometimes all the time ...). How can we know if he is ...
- 08.04.2016
- Enterobacter chloacae and Serratia marcescenz and S. liquefaciens
- Dear expert team, I suffer from CF and I am Pseudomonas negative and have again and again the above mentioned germs in the sputum. Where can one get those bacteria from, they are intestinal germs, aren’t they? The FEV1 value is stable, however I cough more and have difficulties in bringing up ...
- 27.02.2016
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Hello, My daughter (5 years old) has CF. The last sputum exam shows Staphylococcus aureus infection (2 strains). She is under antibiotic treatment for 14 days. We have to stay 10 days with my father who is suffering from cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. I wanted to know if it would be ...
- 01.02.2016
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Hello, The 2 last sputum analysis of my 8-year-old little son showed Staphylococcus aureus. However, no antibiotic was prescribed. A priori, the CF Center does not find this alarming. Is it because there are colonization thresholds? Thank you for your answer.
- 01.02.2016
- Acinetobacter
- My daughter (15-years-old) is colonized with Staph. for at least 2 years. Now, 4 months ago, an infection with Acinetobacter baumanii (multiresistant MRGN 3) and lately an infection with Haemophilus influenzae occurred additionally. Her FEV1 value lost 35% in 3 months. Now Acinetobacter is not ...
- 28.01.2016
- Ciprofloxacin against Staphylococcus aureus
- Hello, my daughter is 7-years-old and had in February the first finding of Pseudomonas. Therefore she inhaled 2 cycles of Tobramycin, after that, it still remained there, so that an i.v. therapy with ceftazidim and tobramycin has been done. Now she has to inhale for one year with colistin. Now ...
- 03.12.2015