- ABPA_Aspergillus
- accompanying diseases
- air-improving devices
- allergy
- animals_pets
- antibiotic therapy
- asthma
- complementary medicine
- covid-19
- diabetes
- diagnostics
- drugs side effects
- drugs under development_genetic therapy
- general aspects
- genetics
- health care
- hepatobiliary disease
- hygiene
- i.v.-lines
- inhalation
- lung
- microbiology
- miscellaneous
- modulator therapy
- nutrition and GI problems
- oxygen supplementation_therapy
- physiotherapy
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- psychosocial
- public facilities
- recreational activities
- reproduction
- research
- social law
- sport
- swine flu_novel influenza
- transplantation
- travelling
- vaccination
- ventilation
- Why waiting instead of treating?
- Hello, a sputum sample has been collected from my 7-month old baby last Sunday because of a greasy cough and a runny nose. Our next medical visit is planned on the next Thursday and treatment is only based on nasal irrigation with isotonic saline and acetaminophen in case of fever. I am anxious ...
- 10.11.2014
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Hello, We got to know one month after the birth of our now 3-months-old daughter that she was suffering from CF. She carries the DF508 and G3272-26A mutations. She is followed every month at the CF Center. She has every day respiratory physiotherapy and is until now pancreatic sufficient. My ...
- 04.11.2014
- Pandoraea sputorum
- Hello, A little time ago, the sputum culture that was made during a quarterly visit revealed that my 13-year-old son was carrying the Pandoraea sputorum. A cure has been quickly programmed. Can you tell me what are the places that bear a risk of contamination with the germ? Thank you for your ...
- 04.11.2014
- Candida albicans and Aspergillus
- Hello, I would like to ask you, how you judge the result of our daughter. Our daughter is nearly 5 years old. At the age of 4 months, she has been diagnosed to suffer from CF. She is doing well and we are very well cared for in our CF center. Until now, throat swabs showed mostly Staph. ...
- 20.10.2014
- Burden with germs
- Dear ECORN team, I would have a rather uncommon question. I am writing a seminar paper on the topic "problematic germs in case of CF" and would like to write something about the occurrence on a percentage basis of three different germs. It deals with the following germs: Pseudomonas ...
- 20.10.2014
- Detection of fungi in the throat swab
- Dear expert team, our daughter suffers from CF and is now nearly 5 years old. She is doing well and the doctors are very content. The last throat swab detected now Aspergillus and Candida. Looking in the past, she has otherwise mostly Staph. aureus in the swab. As she is doing well, we do not ...
- 13.10.2014
- Grommets (tympanic tubes) yes or no?
- Hello, Our 4-year-old daughter suffers from CF! She has an impairment of hearing caused by mucus behind the ear (probably due to a precedent otitis media)! At first, we were told to wait and have a control after 3 months, if the finding will not improve: grommets…. Now we have 2 opinions, ...
- 06.10.2014
- Acinetobacter baumannii
- Dear ladies and gentlemen, in the throat swab of our 7-year-old son Acinetobacter baumannii has been found. Acutally he receives cotrimoxazole due to an infection. Now we have been told, that we have to be isolated in the CF center and the weekly physiotherapy should take place from now on at ...
- 29.09.2014
- Finding of staphylococcus aureus at adult age
- Hello, I (female, 28 years old, chronic colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa since early childhood) have had for the first time the finding of Staphylococcus aures in the last sputum. Apart from penecillin, there are seemingly no resistances. My health condition is actually quite good, I ...
- 29.07.2014
- Working with earth in the school garden
- Dear ladies and gentlemen, at the school of my daughter, the children should help in the next days to lay out a school garden. For this, they should put plants and seeds into the earth - it can therefore be assumed, that it will be burrowed intensively in the earth. Is it advisable for our ...
- 21.07.2014