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- ABPA_Aspergillus
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- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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- ventilation
- Hypertonic Saline
- Hello, My daughter is currently very congested, the CF doctor told her that she is not infected but unable to clear her airway due to a very thick mucus. She feels trouble breathing, she coughs a lot and even more during the night or feels an extreme fatigue. She has been performing RhDnase ...
- 20.06.2011
- crackles
- Since four months, my lungs crackle with respiration. I realize antibiotics and lungs still crackle as much. What is the reason? Sometimes, I feel air do not get through certain places and I am out of breath despite saturation at 94 or 95%. I present tachycardia: at rest, my heart frequency is at ...
- 30.05.2011
- cysic fibrosis severity clasification
- I have a 16 year old boy diagnosed in 2006 with pulmonary CF, for half a year, he coughs and he expectorates a lot at every episode during the day; he has no other problems, he is normally developed, he weighs 48 kg. What should I do? In present time he uses inhalations with Pulmozyme, he takes ...
- 24.05.2011
- pulmonary emphysema
- Pulmonary emphysema is caused by the liver disorder? The ascendant pressure of the liver contributes to the increase of the bronchi, of the lungs and of the heart? Do CF patients that have billiary cirrhosis develop also pulmonary emphysema? How does pulmonary emphysema evolve? Is it treatable ...
- 24.05.2011
- question
- Hello! My name is Golita Nicoleta and I live in Galati. My daughter is 15 month old and after chronic diarrhea she took a sweat test and the value of the test was 48 mmol/l. After 2 weeks we went to another center where we repeated this test and the result was 64 mmol/l. Because she was symptomatic ...
- 07.06.2011
- Haemoptysis
- Our 13 year old son had three bleeding from June 2010 to January 2011. He underwent three embolizations ... What can be done to prevent recurrences?
- 12.05.2011
- sputum sample
- Hello, The physiotherapist of the CF Centre has been unable this morning to obtain some sputa from my 5 months old daughter for microbiological culture. He/she said that her bronchi were not enough infected. I don’t understand. In some CF Centres, each month a sputum sample is obtained from each ...
- 10.05.2011
- Bronchiectasis, bleeding
- Hello, I suffer from CF and also have bonchiectasis. I am 22 years old. I recently had an infection. I also have Pseudomonas aerugionsa. From the 10th january to the 23rd february I took antibiotics. During this time I coughed up also bood sometimes. Therefore I took for 8 days Dicynon® ...
- 15.04.2011
- Phenomenon in CF lungs
- What phenomenon happens in the lungs of a person with cystic fibrosis?
- 07.04.2011
- Bronchiectasia and pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Hello, I am a 22 years old girl and was diagnosed with CF two years ago. I have a mild form of the disease since pancreas function is more or less okay. The results of the other examinations are also very well. The problem is that I have bronchiectasia and pseudomonas aeruginosa (psa) in the ...
- 29.03.2011