
Research Update
Hello, Could we have a French synopsis on positive results regarding research (Vertex, QR-010, PTC124, others?) for patient heterozygous for the F508del mutation? Thank you.
Hello, could I get some information about Quinsair® (inhalation of levofloxacin)? Since when it is on the market, how, where and when is can/should be used? Best regards,
Hello Which mutations are concerned by the QR-10 molecule which targets the correct synthesis of CFTR protein? Thank you for your reply
Hello Could you tell us which company produces the activator CTP-656 and which patients will potentially benefit from this molecule? Thank you for your reply
Dear expert team, I read something about the development of Meveol®. It seems to be very promising to me. Is there anything new at the moment about this topic? Can one make a prognosis, when the drug will be on the market? Many thanks in advance.
Mutations F508del and R553X
Dear expert team, Our son has been diagnosed to suffer from CF at the beginning of January at the age of 9 weeks, after we had been admitted to hospital with a hemoglobin value of 6. The little boy became 2 blood transfusions and takes zinc tablets since then, as he also had a zinc deficiency. ...
GLPG1837 Galapagos clinical trial
Hello A clinical trial with the CFTR protein potentiator GLPG1837 (Galapagos) has just started. Obviously this molecule is for patients carrying a class III mutation. Is the clinical trial ongoing in France? When will results be available? If compared to Kalydeco® could this new molecule ...
Hello Could you please give us information regarding reduced Glutathione? Is there any deficiency for CF patients (that would be expected) ? Is this deficiency associated with some symptoms in particular? Is there any research done with external supply of Glutathione? What type of Glutathione? ...
Good evening, I have read the side effects of Orkambi®. What are the results of studies in countries that prescribe this treatment for a couple of years now (regarding these side effects)? Best wishes
MUTATION c.1680-886A>G (remainder)
Hello, Thank you for your reply on the mutation c.1680-886A> G. It is therefore a splicing mutation and not a "nonsense" mutation. However, since due to reading frameshift it leads to a stop codon, can we assume that patients with this mutation would be eligibe to ataluren (PTC124)? Thank ...
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