
Water from the tap
My daughter has CF. She wants to use the water from the tap. Would this be possible if she uses a waterfilter? Best regards,
Organic hygiene products: with or without risk
I’m a 35 year-old CF mother. I always had a sensitive and reactive skin and my daughter is like me. To find some natural products was not very easy, so I opted for more natural hygiene products, and I bought organic products "URTEKRAM®" for the body, the shampoo, the deodorant. But can I ...
Sanitary disinfection
Hello Concerning my CF daughter, I have a question about sanitary area. I would like to put disk gel in toilets. But is it a risk of stagnation of germs? Thank you for your answer
Private swimming pool
Dear expert, We are Belgians living in Portugal. Our son is 18 months old and has CF. What is your opinion about CF and a private pool (not with friends but one which we maintain ourselves)? Is a pool with saltwater preferable (partly chlorine) or one with only chlorine? Or do you recommend ...
Salt for nose cleaning
Hello, I'm 35 and I have cystic fibrosis. I have been cleaning my nose for 8 months with the rhino horn device. This allows nose cleaning with a very large amount of water and I find it very effective. Besides, I have less infection than before. To make it simple, I use warm tap water and table ...
Physiotherapy, treatment of two CF patients one after the other
Hello, my question is about physiotherapy. The situation is acutally like this, that just after our child, another child with CF comes for therapy. This is happening like this: Our child is for 60 minutes in the treatment room, then it leaves the room and the other child is already waiting in ...
Sailing school discovery
Hello, our 8-year old CF son will go in May with his class for a discovery sailing trip on Lake Thau, near Sète (France). The problem is that they will sail with little "optimistic" on the lake and not on the sea. The CF Center has not banned but said that it was not the ideal destination. From ...
Snake and CF
Hello , My 11 years old CF daughter has a heated terrarium in her room with a spot that contains a snake. The litter is purchased in a petshop and there's inside a container with water regularly changed. What is the risk for her to have Pseudomonas aeruginosa? Knowing she would not put her nose ...
Sterililzing with vaporiser: new study
A friend of mine wrote recently to the author of a study in Austria, in order for ask her about the security of a certain, very popular vaporiser (Mamajoo with drying function). The lady answered firstly, that the Mamajoo had been tested and was a hatchery for germs (via the drying function the ...
Cleaning of a flute
My daughter is 7 years old, has CF and is learning to play the flute at the moment. The flute is made of wood, the upper part is made of synthetic material. What do we have to take into account concerning cleaning??? Is wiping of the outside enough, should one rinse the synthetic part and let it ...
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