
Neonatal diagnostic
Hello, I would like to know to what extent a choriocentesis conducted for screening for cystic fibrosis can be reliable. Can not the sample be contaminated by the blood of the mother? Is it mandatory to wait at least for the 10th week of pregnancy to perform choriocentesis? Without counting the ...
To have children - CF in the family
Hello, the good brother of my husband has a child with CF. Now my husband and I think about family planning and we are asking us the question, if we were carriers. Can we have a test done for free? According to our general practitioner, we have to pay the test ourselves (7000 Euros). Can the ...
Sexuality and libido
Hello I'm a 23-year-old CF woman. For 3,5 years I have a boyfriend and I have great difficulty with sexuality: I am more often tired and I have a "sensitive" cervix (inflammation). I bleed after every sexual relation (this problem has been seen and reviewed several times with a gynaecologist and ...
Nuvaring® and levofloxacin
Are there any interactions between Nuvaring® (vaginal ring releasing hormons for contraception) and levofloxacin 500? I took it for 7 days. I have started last week on wednesday and stopped yesterday. I have taken the ring our last saturday and will put it in again on the coming saturday. Is this ...
Pregnancy and CF
Hello, I have an urgent question. I am 26-years-old and weigh 54kg. I only inhale with hypertonic saline 6% 2-3 times a day and use salbutamol spray 2 times a day. Additionally, I take Kreon. I got pregnant with the permission of my CF physician via in-vitro fertilization. My lung function was ...
Hello, I am carrying the F508del, I am 21 years old I am diabetic and I have a thyroid dysfunction (hypo) and I take the pill "leeloo®". I saw several articles on the need to focus most heavily dosed ethinylestradiol pills. Concrening CF articles I see the opposite. What is that about? In ...
Transmission risk
Hello We are expecting a boy. As part of prenatal diagnosis, the father and I made blood screening for cystic fibrosis. Initially, the results came back negative (with the set of the thirty most common mutations). However, this Friday we learned I was carrying an unknown mutation of the gene ...
Cayston® and Pregnancy
Hello, Have we got data regarding Cayston® and pregnancy? Especially during the 1st 4 months? Thank you
Contraception in case of the intake of Orkambi® or the like
My daughter (20 yrs) takes part in a Vertex study, the drug is similar to Orkambi®. For contraception, the pill and all other hormone-based devices, are not suitable. How can she do an effective contraception without being afraid of getting pregnant? The gynecologist has no understanding for her ...
Breastfeeding for CF mother
Hello I am pediatric nurse and I met a future CF Mom. She wonders about her ability or not to breastfeed her newborn. I don't know what to say. Thank you
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