
Is swimming allowed?
Hello I am a 27-year-old mother. My 7-year-old son was diagnosed at birth for cystic fibrosis. I would have a question about the swimming pool. The doctor of the CF center strictly forbids him the bathings. You see how they are at this age: I can't refuse it to him. Measures of hygiene at the end ...
I’ve heard (by a service provider) about a new molecule named “Cayston®” that is used to treat CF adultes againt Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This molecule would be used with a new machine that will arrive on the market (or already has?). This person could not tell me more. I turn to you in order ...
CF and cortisone
Dear expert team, as a CF patient with severe allergic asthma (trees, grasses, fungus spores) I face the problem to be forced to reduce the cortinsone (prednisone 10 mg daily / symbicort 200® (budesonide and formoterol) 3puffs 3 times daily) that I take for 10 years, due to recurrent ...
Chronical carrier for Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Hello, My 11-year-old daughter is affected by CF. After a culture of a sputum control, 2 different strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.a.) were found (P.a. has been found in an irregular way since she is 18 months old). The doctor informed me that he didn't want her to have an intravenous ...
Visit of a farm
Hello, my son has a one-day outing in a farm with his college. His professor of biology informed me that the chlidren will spend all the day inside the farm, in the middle of the various animals, with a picnic next to them, cow milking etc. Thus my son would remain locked and not be outdoors, but ...
Risk concerning a person with chronic bronchitis
Hello, I want to know what is the risk to encounter a person with chronic bronchitis and who is under oxygen in the hall of the building every day. Is there a risk of transmission of germs?
Hello, Can a CF child of 20 months use playdough if he respects conventional hygiene instructions? Is there a particular indication against? Thank you in advance.
Narrowing with colistin inhalation
Dear expert team, as a female CF patient and an asthma patient with colonization of two strains of Pseudomonas (mucoid), I inhale every second month Cayston® (aztreonam), as I only hardly tolerate the other antibiotics for inhalation. In the interval-free month I got due to a cold ciprofloxacin ...
Smell after drain = danger for health?
Hello, I have come accross on contradictory information during my own research in the internet. I have the problem for a long time, that it smells uncomfortably in my kitchen. The source can not be localized, only one thing is clear: the smell does not come from the drains themselves (there is ...
Air-exhausting systems, what has to be paid attention to
Dear expert team, I move with my daughter (CF, 18 months old) to an appartment, where the bathroom has no window: there is an air-exhausting system (which one exactly, I do unfortunately not know). I have already looked for adequate former questions on the ecorn-cf site, however I could not make ...
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