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Nebulizing time, devices

Dear expert team,

Having received a bad MRI result we have to increase the therapy effort of our 22-month-old daughter. That means: In the morning and in the evening 4ml 6% HTS (hypertonic saline) and at noon 2,5ml Pulmozyme® (Dornase alpha).
Currently, we are using the device “Pari Boy Junior”. Nebulizing 4ml of MucoClear® (hypertonic saline) takes 25 minutes! Our daughter is inhaling very well but still it is not easy to keep her at it twice a day for such a long time – it is very exhausting for all persons involved. Therefore, we would like to know if we could change the device and use “eFlow rapid” instead?
During inhalation our daughter sits upright on our lap. She is able to inhale for a while with the mouthpiece but she prefers the facial mask. Could the “eFlow rapid” be used under these conditions?

Thank you and best regards!

Dear questioner,

your daily inhalation program is very extensive indeed. It is comprehensible that you think about how the inhalation time can be shortened.

The Pari eFlow can be used as of age 2 (according to the producer). Using a facial mask will be necessary for your daughter and is recommended by the producer. In the long term, certainly a mouthpiece should be used.

It depends on the judgment of your doctor and you (or rather your daugher) to prescribe the Pari eFlow. Please ask him/her directly.

Good luck and all the best.
Kathrin Könecke, physiotherapist

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D. d'Alquen