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I have noted the need to wash our child’s towels after swimming but when we go on holiday, it is difficult to take 15 towels ... can we use the towel again if it was well dried? If we put it in the sun for example? Can we use two towels and alternate? And for the bath towel at the beach can we keep the same all week?
Thank you. It's really not easy to know what to do, and more when the entourage gets involved and asks us many questions for which we have no answer, it's really hard !!

Thank you for your support

I'm going to try to reassure you by confirming the answers which I and other experts have already given on ecorn:

In our own CF Center, we recommend:
- everybody to use his own towel
- to dry the towel between two uses (for example with a dry-towel, or in sun and wind) or to change them every day.
This does not apply to all members of the family but a weekly systematic towels change seems reasonable.

However, contamination by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is possible and unpredictable, even if all the conditions of hygiene are met so do not feel guilty in this situation.

I wish you a happy time with your family.
I hope these items will help to answer your question.

Yann Kerneur